The concept of the museum is to experience a night out, you start with the bar and you end up waking up in your room the next morning

Museum of Hangovers (muzej mamurluka) zgrada/ ulaz

Location: first floor, Vlaška 55 (a few minutes walking from the Main Square)


- 8 interactive rooms
- 10+ interactions
- 40+ stories and items people woke up with
(many more additional infographic content)

The concept of the museum is to experience a night out, you start with the bar and you end up waking up in your room the next morning

Museum of Hangovers (muzej mamurluka) zgrada/ ulaz

Location: first floor, Vlaška 55 (a few minutes walking from the Main Square)

- 8 interactive rooms
- 10+ interactions
- 40+ stories and items people woke up with
(many more additional infographic content)

The drinking phase begins in the bar, where you can play various drinking games and you can send drunken messages to your friends

Interactions, games visitors playing in club/bar room

The drinking phase begins in the bar, where you can play various drinking games and you can send drunken messages to your friends

Interactions, games visitors playing in club/bar room

After the bar, you end up on the streets where you can imitate drunken poses with our digital interaction

Visitors enjoying reading interesting drunk stories, street room

After the bar, you end up on the streets where you can imitate drunken poses with our digital interaction

Visitors enjoying reading interesting drunk stories, street room

Then you enter the park where you can enjoy the view of the moon from the bathtub :)

Visitors enjoying readin interesting drunk stories, park room

Then you enter the park where you can enjoy the view of the moon from the bathtub :)

Visitors enjoying readin interesting drunk stories, park room

A drunken room awaits you after, everything starts to sway slightly...

Interactions, games, drunk walking visitors playing in drunk room

A drunken room awaits you after, everything starts to sway slightly...

Interactions, games, drunk walking visitors playing in drunk room

The mysterious blackout is next, who can remember that...

Explore mysterious blackout

The mysterious blackout is next, who can remember that...

Explore mysterious blackout

The room where you wake up the morning after, and the educational room where you can learn about alcohol are waiting for you at the end

Drunk car simulator, Interactions, games visitors playing in educatinal room

The room where you wake up the morning after, and the educational room where you can learn about alcohol are waiting for you at the end

Drunk car simulator, Interactions, games visitors playing in educatinal room

and interactive hallways between rooms are also part of the experience :)

Interactions, games, drunk drawing visitors playing in drunk room

and interactive hallways between rooms are also part of the experience :)

Interactions, games, drunk drawing visitors playing in drunk room